Newborn Screening Implementation
Since January 2024, I have been launching newborn screening programs in hospitals throughout Tamil Nadu. Below, I have listed the hospitals with newly implemented newborn screening programs, and I outlined many of my efforts for this project.
Hospitals (Tamil Nadu, India)
The following hospitals have began newborn screening tests for all newborns.
In addition to reaching out to hospitals, I gave a presentation to a multitude of doctors involved with the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) in Tamil Nadu, leading to the launch of various newborn screening programs. Below are images showing the presentation. ​
Program Verification- Hospitals have been providing anonymous records of tests for documentation of newborn screening. All funds raised for the initiative are going toward more hospitals to launch screening. If you would like to donate to support this initiative, go to the "Fundraising" tab for more information. Thank you!
Raising Awareness
I have been raising awareness in many hospitals throughout Tamil Nadu to encourage families to ask their doctors and ensure the screening of their infants. I have been using posters and videos, displaying them in hospitals around Tamil Nadu. Images below show the posters being displayed in hospitals as well as a poster available for download and a link to our YouTube channel to watch awareness videos in English and Tamil.
Download the poster as a pdf: